Do you find you tend to measure the success of your practice based on your physical achievements in your practice? This is normal as we are often taught at an early age that what we do and what we own are the way to measure our success. This is why I believe yoga has become a practice of form rather then of function, as it is easier to measure physical achievements on the mat.
We need to remember that our physical abilities do not determine a balanced practice or a balanced life nor do they determine who has a better practice. Getting to the essence of our true nature should be our goal and the asana's are but one means of helping us attaint that goal.
For the true signes of progress in living your yoga you might ask yourself am I
- Kinder
- more patient
- more tolerant
- calmer
- centered
- flexible (not just physically either)
My hope for you is that you will recognize the difference between the appearance of achievement and the true experience of achieving and becoming the best that you can be.
Today as you approach the mat, become a witness, observe yourself, here and now. As you move thru each asana, do so with complete awareness taking notice of
- how the breath affects each asana
- how an action can shift awareness
- be mindful of moving into and out of each asana, not just while you are in the asana.
- Do you move from habit?
- Feel your heart beat
Move with complete intention, fully present and engaged with what you are doing. Begin by imagining all your tension streaming down your skin, dripping off your finger tips and rolling down the legs into the earth. Remember Yoga is about undoing, letting go so begin here, as you let go of anything that is not going to serve you during your practice.
As you prepare to leave the mat set an intention to continue to be a mindful and ever present witness, even in the most mundane of chores. Pause, Breath. don't react mindlessly or out of habit but with intention and purpose.