Lessons come in all shapes and sizes and thru the strangest and least expected of circumstances. Choices made along the path to now are always going to affect the decisions and choices we make in the present moment. It does not mean we cannot change our current circumstances, but we must often take great pause and look at the bigger picture.
I have been studying and teaching the Bhagava Gita the last few weeks. This has not been the first time I have led the discussion but it has however had a powerful affect on my life and current choices I have made or needed to make. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the desires and aversions of our physical body, but these are all temporary and can only lead to pain and suffering.
If we can come to a place of authenticity, love, not only of others, but of self, in a spiritual sense not a physical sense, our choices become clearer. The cause and effect of our choices also can be revealed if we choose not to come from a place of selfishness, but of loving kindness.
This is pretty powerful stuff and as I stand before my students teaching on freeing the self from the desires of the physical body, nonattachenent and selfless service. Etc etc I realize that I have been put into a role that requires me to be my best. It is one thing to have the wisdom, it is yet another to live the wisdom. Words are very easy to say, however knowing that my physical body is temporary and very human, and falible, gives me the ability to forgive myself as I live my life with greater awareness to my weaknesses and strive to detach and overcome. Love requires no action, only being and it starts within my self. One of the greatest legacies I can leave is the gift of forgiveness of self and the ability to learn from my mistakes in a loving way. As I am able to do that with myself it empowers me to also see the same in those around me. What a gift. Not only to me but to those around me. I am forever a student of life, which means I am constantly striving to learn and do my best. It does no good to beat myself or others up, it is my reaction, my response that will have the greatest impact. Some transgressions go unnoticed, but non the less require forgiveness and healing for the dis ease they have caused in the universal flow of energy and life. Forgiveness of self is the first step to changing and shifting your perception, as we are all interconnected thru a higher unseen power. Love is the ultimate healer, and forgiver.Sometimes there is a fine line between reality and delusion! Illusion can easily be distorted by perception or by our desires. I am reminded of the poem
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”