Emotions are connected with movement, and when we block the free flow of movement we essentially block the emotions. Yet we seem to be conditioned to resist moving to avoid pain when in actuality it is the lack of movement, that increases the dis ease. All of our physical sensations have a companion emotion, and it is by observing the physical responses to our emotions that we can really begin to learn to heal ourself. To let go of that which does not serve us.
Easier said then done as often our feelings cloud our perception making it harder to watch the physical responses and begin to experience life thru our feelings. Our true feelings. There seems to be a fine line to living a life of gratitude and not ignoring our needs. Needs are a necessary part of life, of living, yet if we ignore them we can easily fall into blaming others or self indulgences, or a number of self destructive forms of behavior.
As physical and social beings one of our greatest needs is that of healthy relationships, (Second Chakra) with others as well as with self. This desire to connect can often be negated as we isolate ourselves. This isolations is comparable to lack of movement in the body. I know for me at times during this healing process I found it easy in my immobility to become very isolated and at times found I needed to make an exerted effort to get out there, be with others.
This was never so clear to me as it was this past weekend as I headed to my 30 year reunion. My first big event since my accident. Reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances , some I have know since the age of 5. I am not one to really reminisce on the past, but it was fun to remember events with those that helped create and shape who I am today. Encounters like this can be very healing, yet can also bring up unresolved issues. Yet remeeting the grownup versions of my youth for me was so much fun. I am very excited to continue to get reacquainted as I am once again realizing the importance of relationships.
We have basics needs and when those needs are not met we are out of joy. As our emotions are connected with movement, something has to move or change in order to allow the unhealthy emotions, the dis ease to move thru the body and create space for the joy. Encountering others at times can be a risk as you just never know how they are going to repsond to you, but if your firmly grounded and secure in your self, this will be reflected and free you up to be you.
As you approach the mat today give yourself the freedom to explore the sensations of the body as emotions. What is it that the body is trying to tell you? Are you holding on to unhealthy feelings and sensations? What movements can you find to help create space and find those releases.
As you prepare to leave the mat set an intention to stay connected with the sensations and messages of the body. Be body aware, and see if you don't find more freedom of movement and ease as you move thru your day taking in as well, the way others respond to you. You may be pleasantly surprised as you open your eyes to a world of sensation and a sensational YOU!
See You, on the mat!